
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I cant remember my hotmail password or my secret question and i don't have an alternate email address?

I cant remember my hotmail password. And I don't know the answer to my secret question. I don't have an alternate email address set up is there anything i can do to access it. There's an urgent email i need to open and i can't get into my account.
I cant remember my hotmail password or my secret question and i don't have an alternate email address?
You could take educcated guess as to what your password/ secret question is. I have all of my emails, passwords, and secret questions along with my paypal, game and itunes account on a document, in the event i do forget. I had this happen, and it the anwser it what i least expected it to be. Just keep making good guesses. You could request to change your password, although i dont remember if you need ur secret anwser. Good luck, hope i helped.

Also, there are a few virus-free programs that can fix that, though im pretty sure you have to buy them.
Reply:When you open an email account, or anything that requires questions and answers as part of the setup, always write the secret question and answer in a notepad. Then store the pad in a draw away from your computer.

Try contacting Hotmail and see what they can do. Failing that open another account, contact the sender of the email and tell them the new address.


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