The message was not addressed properly.
The sender might not have your correct email address. Or, sometimes people make typos in email addresses, but the "incorrect" address just turns out to be someone else's correct email address. If this happened, the message intended for you could have been received by someone else.
If you're an international Yahoo! Mail user, the sender might have used the standard domain instead of your appropriate address (e.g., or
The message was delayed.
Most messages are delivered within a few minutes, but messages can sometimes be delayed while in transit due to problems on the sender's mail server, heavy Internet traffic, or routing problems. (On rare occasions, delays can last for several hours or more.)
The sender's address is blocked.
The Blocked Addresses feature in Yahoo! Mail allows you to create a list of addresses that you don't want to receive mail from. Mail coming in from one of these senders will neither arrive nor bounce, but will simply be discarded. Did you block this sender's address? Check your Blocked Addresses list by clicking "Options" in the upper-right corner of the page. Under "Spam," click "Block Addresses." Here you'll see a list of any addresses you have blocked.
You've enabled mail forwarding.
Are you a Mail Plus user? Good choice! Check to see if you set your mail to be forwarded to another email address. Click "Options" in the upper-right corner of the page. Under "Management," click "POP Access and Forwarding." If there's a dot in the box beside "Forwarding," you're forwarding messages to a different address. Click to remove the dot.
Your account is over the allowed quota.
If you've reached your storage limit and another user attempts to send you a message, the message will be returned to the sender with an explanation that you've reached your storage limit.
The first page you see when you sign in, the Yahoo! Mail Welcome page, has a bar in the upper-right corner. This bar indicates the percentage of your storage limit you're currently using.
You've set up filters.
You might have set up filters which caused the message to be sent to the Trash folder or to another folder within your Yahoo! Mail account. To check, click "Options" in the upper-right corner of your Yahoo! Mail page. Under "Management," click "Filters." Are there any filters listed? If so, ensure they're not set to prevent receiving emails from this sender.
Note: Mail in your Trash folder can be deleted at any time. Check your filters to ensure that all your mail isn't going straight into trash!
Other possibilities.
Occasionally, interruptions or disruptions in email transmissions over the Internet will render a message undeliverable. While this is very rare, it does happen. Unfortunately, aside from waiting, there's no way to know whether a message has been delayed or whether it has been rendered undeliverable. If a sender can re-send it, have them do that.
No matter what the cause, the best solution is to ask the sender to re-send the message. Also, check your mail again to see if you've received their message.
My hotmail address is in my address book but I stilldo not receive mail it sends to my yahoo address?
Well, tell people to e-mail to your hotmail address, then, and give this address to them.
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